Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Window Sill

A quick story tonight because I'm not feeling too good today. Nauseous and such. I think it's from food that I ate that was not so good. Who knows.

Anyway, here's a funny story about Patrick.

A few weeks ago I was changing him into a new diaper. We have a dresser right by his window where we have a changing pad and as of late, Patrick likes to stand on the changing pad and look outside. When people walk by, when cars go by, everything. He places both of his hands up high above his head on the window and looks out.

The other day, he managed to stand up in the nude. I thought, ok, whatever. I'll get some fresh clothes ready and let him stand there for a minute. Well, you guessed it...seconds later he peed in the window sill. He seemed pretty pleased with himself. I suppose he has not learned any sense of modesty just yet.

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