Tuesday, November 24, 2015


When I pray, I often thank God for the abundance in which we live. We have so much. So so much.

I could go on about that but, for now I'll share good news. I'm thankful for this news and that is....

I had a huge loan book today. This means that I'm dangerously close to winning a trip to Florida that will be all inclusive and paid for by the bank. I've been working so hard to get to this point. I'm focused. I'm determined. I'm working smart and I'm working hard.

We changed our schedule recently so, Scott brings Patrick to his nanny, Kathie, at 7 am. I begin working from home at that time. This gives me a couple of hours to do administrative stuff that I find myself pushing off usually. I work my tush off during the day so that I can leave the office and get Patch by 3 pm and just enjoy the rest of the day either running errands or playing at home. We've been doing this for a week and it's working rather well.

I have moments of "wow, I love doing this whole working thing and mommy thing" and there are some times where I'm completely overwhelmed thinking "how can I possibly do both? How can I be the mom and the wife that I want to be and still be the banker I want to be?" Somehow, right now, I feel that I've found a balance.

Patrick has a bit of a cold so these last few nights have been rough. I've been waking up with him more frequently. It's bitter sweet. It's a treasure to cuddle with him but when he gets agitated and has a hard time falling asleep it can be frustrating. I guess this is motherhood.

Tomorrow, I will begin the live fit challenge again. I will focus on clean eating and hitting the gym every day. I will not log onto Facebook and waste time there. I will dedicate myself to continue etching this pattern of success into my work life. I will make my time there as valuable as possible. I will then be free to enjoy home time. It will be worth it.

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